Create a cart value goal using the free shipping bar.

Prakash Logbase

Last Update één maand geleden

About the free shipping bar

The “Free shipping bar” will offer shipping discounts and free shipping to the customers when they reach a certain cart value.

It displays a progress bar tracking the cart's value, indicating the amount required to qualify for free shipping.

Follow the below steps to create a free shipping bar.

1. Click on the "Create discount" button in the app home page.

2. Look for “Free Shipping bar” and click on the “Create” button.

3. First choose the free shipping method.

If you plan to create 5 discounts or less choose “Automatic” or else choose the “Code” option. We will try to auto-apply codes as well, but some themes might have an issue.

4. Select 'All countries' if the shipping discount needs to be applied to all countries available in the store and also you can choose to exclude some specific countries (optional).

The second option is to choose 'Selected countries' and choose the countries for which the shipping discount needs to be applied.

Note: The countries listed here are obtained from the Shopify settings >> Markets.

5. Select the discount type, whether you want to offer discounts in percentage or in fixed amounts. Then, set up the discount tiers.

If you want to offer free shipping, set the discount as 100%.

6. We recommend enabling at least one product discount combination as the volume discounts can be stacked with each other. Now, save the discount settings.

7. After saving the discount, you can complete the widget appearance settings. Click on "Customize".

8. In the Cart progress bar settings, first let’s position the widget on the product page.

9. For 2.0 themes, you can easily position using the theme editor. To customize the widget in an older theme, contact our support for free setup assistance.

10. You can show the free shipping bar at the cart page and show the shipping discount. This can provoke the customer to complete the goal.

  • Go to the Cart page editor, and click on "Add section" to place the progress bar on top of the page (It’s the ideal position for a progress bar). Switch to the “Apps” tab and select the “Cart progress bar”.

  • Drag the “Cart progress bar” widget to the desired position.

11. Save the settings and verify if the changes are reflected in the cart page. 

12. You can also show the “Free shipping bar” in the cart drawer page too, but you can’t customize it using the theme editor. 

Contact our support team if you want the “Free shipping bar” in your cart drawer.

13. You can also customize the default text fields of the widget.

14. Create more cart value goals as required.

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